1-1 aktivehat– Down Under
1-2 VDevil– You Can't Escape Me With Genius Of Nefarious
1-3 Syncfactory– Hear Me
1-4 Nordstaat– Isolation
1-5 Reaxion Guerrilla– Fetish Terrorist (Sin Of The Flesh Version)
1-6 Distoxia– Clarividencia
1-7 X-0RTIN– Die, To Be A Free
1-8 Infectious Contamination– Mind
1-9 WolfChild– Liberty
1-10 Suppressor– The Power Of Your Soul
1-11 Psyborg Corp.– Krÿstallÿa Havok (SpaceWolf Version)
1-12 Encono– Visceral Absorption (Viscera Drip Remix)
1-13 Cygnosic– This Is The Night (AliceVanScott Remix)
1-14 Obvianiger– Reptilians
1-15 Aim & Execute Vs. Djversion666– Messiah Of My Doubt
2-1 HEZZEL– Corrosive Bleeps
2-2 Jesus Complex– Alternative Facts
2-3 Xentrifuge– My Hedian
2-4 Nahtaivel– The Cymbals Player (Insane Version)
2-5 Inline Sex Terror– Indus-Trial-Error
2-6 Hydra Division V– Hell As Phoenix Rises (Dead Inside Effect Remix)
2-7 Diverje– Bloodsucking Freaks (Terror V3 Bassed Mix)
2-8 Nitro/Noise– Censorshit (Luciferro Twerk ReGroove)
2-9 Psyhound– Mind Abuse
2-10 Totten Mechanismus– Solo Maquina (Amduscia Cover)
2-11 Alien:Nation– Inhumana Extension
2-12 Van Roy Asylum– Whorever You Are (feat. Nano Infect & Encono)
2-13 Siva Six– The Seal (Asdeandare Remix)
2-14 Shades:Of:Hell– When Silence Breeds Its Echoes
2-15 Chamaeleon– Fall Apart Pt. 2
2-16 inFused– Green Crack
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